About Me

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My name is Hillary, I'm 24 and have a beautiful daughter who was born June 25, 2010. She was adopted by an amazing family with whom I am now very close. Adoption is an incredible experience but can extremely suck sometimes. I feel called to share my story with other people not only to spread knowledge about adoption (especially open adoptions) but also to help support girls going through unplanned pregnancy/adoption.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Those days

And then there are those days when someone asks, "how could you be so mean to give your baby away" and "don't you love her?" "Don't you miss her?" Why yes, in fact I do love and miss her. But she wasn't mine to 'keep' or 'give away'. She was always meant to be part of their family, I just helped get her there.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I sometimes forget to write about the good things because it's the bad times I need to flush out of my system, but fear not! There definitely are good things about adoption.

A few weeks ago Emilia's Aunt passed away somewhat suddenly. It was right around Big Sis' birthday and we'd had planned to all celebrate that together so in an effort to keep things normal for my favorite newly eight-year-old, my parents and I had dinner at Em's house. Despite the tragedy and loss in the air, more abundant was the love. These people truly are my family. When they cry, I cry. When they laugh, I laugh. I am so incredibly blessed that not only did the adoptive family welcome me and my family with open arms, but also my family welcomed the adoptive family. I know and appreciate the rarity of this.

As we were leaving, I gave Big Sis a huge, per usual and said, "I'm so proud of you, my beautiful eight-year-old!" Beaming up at me, she completed the thought with "...Step-daughter". While I know she obviously isn't my step-daughter I thought it was kind of beautiful of her to say. It shows we're not related by blood but we are family through and through. She is so many things to me: a sister, a daughter, a niece, a sister to my daughter... It's so difficult to put adoption things into logical terms, as open adoption has only been around a few decades and no vocabulary has been standardized. Somehow this wonderful little girl always knows exactly what to say to me. She is incredible and has been since the first moment I met her. Words may fail,  but this love that binds us goes beyond anything I could've hoped for when looking at that little "+" on the pregnancy test over three years ago (!!).