About Me

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My name is Hillary, I'm 24 and have a beautiful daughter who was born June 25, 2010. She was adopted by an amazing family with whom I am now very close. Adoption is an incredible experience but can extremely suck sometimes. I feel called to share my story with other people not only to spread knowledge about adoption (especially open adoptions) but also to help support girls going through unplanned pregnancy/adoption.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mondays :)

Yesterdays visit went significantly better than expected. It was actually quite lovely. I got to play with Emilia's big sister and her friend a bunch. We made paper snowflake which is one of my favorite past times. There was that little twinge of sadness yet again when Em won't really smile at me. She's teething and going through a growth spurt so she's less smiley these days. One of my dear friends came to meet my little lady for the first time. That pretty much made my day because she's the one who carried me through my pregnancy, introduced me to the adoptive parents, and never left my side despite her own three kids and pregnancy. Her youngest, who is three months older than Emi, came along as well which was pretty adorable. I'm not sure she's ever seen someone her own size (well, I bit smaller. My little lady's not so little =] She's going to be a nice long swimmer some day). It was very cute. Plus my friend told me she saw the resemblance between Emilia and me which is a big deal because 1) her birth-daddy is a Mexican who's genes tend to dominate my poor little caucasian ones, and 2) that is the greatest thing you could ever say to a birth-mom! Anyways, all and all it was a delightful day. Can't wait for next week's rollercoaster.

1 comment:

  1. What did I tell you? You're getting the hang of this whole wild ride they call parenthood (some people never really do). You're a star!
